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Rahmbo Leaks…for good reason

Emanuel and President Obama

When the Washington Post article by Dana Milbank concerning Rahm Emanuel hit, I took notice.  I have debated my father for over a year regarding my belief that Obama hasn’t tacked far enough to the center.

One prime example is the healthcare legislation.  What always puzzled me is that a bipartisan solution to healthcare that Democratic Senator Ron Weiden and Republican Senator Bob Bennett crafted was shown no love at all.  This bill was by no means perfect, but included good things such as:

  • succeeding in covering 99% of Americans
  • giving incentives to people so they could enroll in more cost effective healthcare plans to lower the cost
  • providing tough cost containment to save 1.4 trillion over 10 years
  • allowing individuals to keep their healthcare plan even when they switch jobs, or are in between jobs

I feel that a bill like this would have gotten respectable bipartisan support, and blunted the impact of protests from Republicans and the scores of interest groups.  They wouldn’t have been able to use an issue like the public option  as a tool to organize the deranged, but effective tea party movement, as they have successfully have thus far.

Rahmbo saw the writing on the wall.  He is a fiery/blunt, but effective political hand that will assure Obama is in the position to have a smooth re-election in 2012.  President Obama must realize that the man responsible for huge Democratic gains in the House during the 2006 midterms and 2008 elections is one voice in the administration that he can ill afford to ignore, especially on key pieces of legislation.

Intense debates occur in the White House before a President makes an important policy or legislative decision.  I’ll take Rahm over anyone right now. “Hope and Change 2012” depend on it.